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Body Procedures

Tummy Tuck, Panniculectomy, Liposuction, Arm Lift

Body Procedures





TUMMY TUCK, ALSO CALLED ABDOMINOPLASTY,  is a cosmetic procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat, and repair separated muscles to flatten the abdomen. Abdominoplasty is considered to be one of the most effective form-enhancing surgeries. Major weight changes and pregnancies can leave unwanted skin and fat in the abdominal region. Individuals with stretched or separated abdominal muscles can also have the appearance of poor muscle tone in this area. Tummy tuck surgery can help remove stubborn fat and skin that are resistant to diet and exercise, as well as get rid of stretch marks for a smoother and more toned abdomen. The procedure involves removing excess skin, tightening the skin, repairing the muscle separation, and leaving a low scar that is easily hidden in a bikini.

LIPOSUCTION can be done on various parts of the body to remove fat accumulation in otherwise healthy and fit men and women. Liposuction does have its limitations, however. It’s designed for body contouring and is not meant to be a treatment for obesity. In this procedure, Dr. Adham makes small, inconspicuous incisions in which he inserts a small tube to extract excess fat. When performed correctly, scars are almost undetectable and are generally hidden the natural folds of the body. These incisions are so small that they generally do not require a suture. Because of its safety and effectiveness, liposuction has become the most common cosmetic procedure performed by plastic surgeons today. You’ll want to discuss the amount of time that you will need to rest after your procedure. It is not uncommon for the liposuction site to continue to drain for a few hours or so. For this reason, it is very important to follow post op instructions.

350º LIPOSUCTION is a procedure that is performed to reduce fat stores around the entire mid-section. For patients who have excess fat throughout the abdominal region and good skin elasticity, Dr. DiBello may recommend a specialized liposuction procedure called 360° liposuction, which may also be referred to as Lipo 360° or circumferential liposuction. This technique involves standard liposuction throughout the midsection, including the abdomen, waist, “love handles” (flanks), mid back, and lower back, for comprehensive contouring of the region. When designing a Lipo 360° procedure, Dr. Adham considers the patient’s entire physique and natural curves to create a more proportionate, slender, and aesthetically pleasing midsection. The advantages of Lipo 360° can include a leaner, smoother, and more optimally contoured abdomen, flanks, and lower back.

To find out if you are a good candidate for the Lipo 360° procedure, a consultation with Dr. DiBello is required. It is important to understand that liposuction is not meant to be used as a weight loss tool, but rather as a method of reducing and sculpting stubborn excess fat that is resistant to dieting and exercise efforts. Dr. Adham generally defines a good candidate as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or less, good skin elasticity, and regions of localized fat. Dr. Adham often uses Lipo 360° and traditional liposuction to treat patients who have received unsatisfying fat reduction results with liposonic treatments such as coolsculpting.

BRACHIOPLASTY, OR ARM LIFT removes excess skin on the upper arms, sometimes called bat wings, that can be difficult or impossible to tone through diet and exercise. Arm lift surgery is used by both men and women to reduce fat pockets and loose skin. This procedure might be a combination of liposuction and surgical removal. Scars are minimally visible on the underside of the arm but generally heal to a mostly unnoticeable thin line. A reduction in this area provides for slimmer, fitter-looking arms that look great in and out of sleeves. If you refrain from waiving your arms in the air, an arm lift might be for you!